Wednesday, December 29, 2010

TEDxHouston - Brené Brown on Vulnerability

I loved this TED talk by Researcher, Brene Brown, phD Social Work.

Key points (taken directly from her talk):

Wholehearted people have a strong sense of worthiness and are the most content. They exhibit:
- a sense of courage (courage to be imperfect)
- compassion (kind to themselves first, then to others)
- connection (as a result of living authentically)
- vulnerability (eg. a willingness to do something when there's no guarantee; investing in a relationship that may or may not work out)

Our society has a bad habit of numbing vulnerability. We are the most in-debt, obese, medicated and addicted adult cohort in human history. When we attempt to numb the negative emotions (shame, fear, grief, disappointment, anxiety, etc.) we also numb the positive (joy, gratitude, happiness, love, creativity, faith, belonging, etc.).

We need to:
- love with our whole hearts
- practice gratitude
- believe that we're enough
- honour the ordinary (our kids, family, community, nature)


  1. Thanks for posting this Kim, it hit home for me on many different levels. I think I'll post this on my blog. I thought I would, then I felt vulnerable which means I have to now!

  2. Sarah, you make me howl. This woman seems incredible! Can't wait for her upcoming book.
