Wednesday, December 15, 2010

More Secrets from Dr. David Sobel

Some interesting statistics he mentioned:
- naps less (but NOT more) than 60 mins. decrease heart attack risk in men by 30-50%
- frequent annual vacations decrease your cardiovascular risk
- pets increase happiness
- people who eat candy (not explained, but likely dark chocolate) have a 27% decrease in relative risk of death
- sex and red wine, not surprisingly, increase happiness (sex - as much as you can get; red wine - 1 glass/day for females and 2 for men)
- emotional well-being and happiness increase as household income increases up to $75K and then stabilizes!! (more money does not equate with more happiness); in fact, money can increase one's tendency to take the small pleasures of daily life for granted
- the ability to savour predicts happiness (more able to savour, more happiness)
- experiences result in more happiness as compared to material goods
- buying gifts for others or giving to charity is associated with greater happiness

You can change your thinking to one of an optimist by:
- remembering the positives of past events
- seeing threats as challenges and problems to be solved
- focusing on the present
- believing that your actions can make a difference
- savouring the small stuff (keep a gratitude journal, write thank you notes)

Good luck and be sure to send me your thank you notes!


  1. Thank you Kim! I am enjoying these posts on happiness. :)

  2. Great points. And not to nit-pick, but wasn't it "2-3" glasses of wine for men?
