Saturday, November 28, 2009

The S Word

I volunteered in Grade 1 this week. I had completed several of my tasks - photocopying, helping children with math problems, teetering high up on shelves balancing between stacks of books stapling spelling words to the bulletin board, and writing out addresses for letters to Santa (aaaaaaaaaaaaah!). I was preparing for the story I was about to read to the class, "A Monster Wrote Me a Letter Today", when a boy ran over to me and said, "Your son just said the S Word!"

I immediately called out my son's name and gave him the "Let me look into your soul to see if you are lying" stare down. Instantly, I knew that the accusation was true. When did my baby learn the S word? I began to replay the week's events. I am not a swearer but had I absent-mindedly said SH*T under my breath? There had been numerous opportunities to do so but nothing came to mind. My husband is also not a swearer so I couldn't blame this one on him. I then surveyed the 6 year olds sitting in front of me anticipating their story time. Which one was the bad apple? Maybe the new boy for whom English is his second language? Maybe the sweet girl with the mischievous grin? Nope. They all looked innocent. I let it pass and began reading the monster tale.

At the dinner table that night, when my husband asked how volunteering had gone, the subject returned to the forefront. I began lecturing my son on our family's nonacceptance of rude language. I really wanted to shout, "Who taught you the word SH*T, and has ruined my innocent misperception of you and launched your exposure to the negativity in this world that I, as a parent, will have to battle against?!" My son responded, "I know mom. It isn't nice to say the word STUPID." And with that, my innocent misperception is still intact.

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